7-Day Free Mini-Course

Jonas Altman
3 min readDec 21, 2021


For the past 7 days, I’ve woken up, written freely, and hit publish. It was a fun experiment of getting out of my own way. This is the last entry in the exercise — thank God.

You see for four years, I would write each and every morning. Often I’d get two or more hours of uninterrupted time to pour my soul onto the page (or in this case the screen). But things happened. A pandemic came. I finished my book. I got distracted.

This new mini-course is a culmination of things that have been stirring inside me. Along with my co-creator Sara we explore time scarcity, stress, anxiety, confidence, support, relaxation, and reflection.

Don’t worry it’s not all doom and gloom, it’s pragmatically ideal.

And the great news is that if you sign up right now you’ll be the first to receive an email a day just in time to turn the corner into the new year.

What’s Included?

Seven self-directed invitations to inspire you to take the time to reflect and explore where you are and where you’d like to go next.

Who’s Coming?

A global tribe of creatives, leaders, and shapers.

What Danielle said about the Shape of Work program

Is It Free?

Yep, it’s 100% free.

How Does it Work?

Do the course in your own time and is delivered directly to your inbox.

What Covered?

We will look at what’s standing in your way or keeping you stuck and how to unlock your unique potential with the right support.

What do I Need?

An open mind, intentional focus, and readiness to get real with yourself.

Why Are We Here?

The world is in flux and ‘work’ will never be the same again. We’re a tribe of shapers and we’ve been working differently now for decades. We combine work and play, live with intention, and lead with heart. Together, our mission is to help you do the same.

About the Creators

Sara and me Jamming alone, together.

Serendipity surely brought us together. The stars aligned a year ago for us to join forces to create the Shape of Work.

It’s been a wild journey. Back then, we were accustomed to working in our own time and in our own way. The Shape of Work enabled us to use our different strengths to sync, lean into tension, prop each other up, push forward, and grow.

In the process, we’ve encountered many that are pushing themselves to the edge. You know that spot just outside of your comfort zone? It’s a transitional place that often brings with it feelings of self-doubt or stuck-ness.

We know because we’ve been there ourselves — several times.

When feelings of confusion and overwhelm strike, sometimes we can clear them by simply clearing space. We created this minicourse to address some of the obstacles that might be getting in your way.

If you are eager to change the way you work, hop into the entrepreneurial life, or design your business around your life — then you’re in for a treat.

And it all kicks off this MONDAY.

What Lucas said about the Shape of Work program

This is the last in my automatic writing experiment. If you’d like to sign up for my monthly digest about work and the creative life you can do that here.



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