Day By Day

Learning how to let go of work

Jonas Altman
2 min readAug 28, 2022

I’ve had a breakup.

My work no longer defines me, and I’m no longer defined by it.

As a Total Worker in recovery, it’s taken time (and space) to orientate my life so that it doesn’t revolve around my work.

…and yet sometimes a very cheeky part of me shows up.

He masterfully argues that if work is art, and art is prayer — then surely I can toil away as much as I fancy! This passage from famed author Susan Piver only further reinforces the sentiment:

Once I remembered that my motivation is rooted in genuine curiosity and that my tasks are in complete alignment with who I am and want to be, my office suddenly [seems] like a playground rather than a labor camp.

I’ve been dancing on this tightrope between work and life (if there’s even one) for over a dozen years now. I still have more questions than answers — and that’s O.K.

We’ll be exploring what I’ve learned so far and what others are experiencing in today’s climate — all in my workshop.

Oh yes…my new cohort-based course (which could easily be called: How to hack your perspective with peer coaching) launches on September 20th.

If you’re a Creator who favors spontaneity over scheduling and wants work to feel like play

If you’re an Entrepreneur determined to face challenges with clarity to make a bigger impact

If you’re a Career changer that wants to do it yourself and craves one thing above all else: autonomy

…then you should really join me. Our group is capped at 12 and there are just 3 spots left.



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