
Jonas Altman
2 min readDec 19, 2021


Ever since I started meditating (properly that is) I’ve become increasingly aware of my clumsiness. I’ve also been able to curb it — thus hurting myself less (physically not emotionally).

When I finished my London meditaitoo centre training I recall travelling down to Brighton. I had my laptop, my trusty notebook and my 0.5mm MUJI pen. A fresh cup of coffee sat to the left of my laptop. All items were balancing rather delicately on the sorry-excuse-for-a-desk that you sometimes score on British trains.

I’m tapping away in my own little world. My headphones are pumping and bumping me along to the beat. As one particular stop, who knows maybe it was Hayward’s Heath ? A crowd of miserable comuuters bunched in. Something in me says — a voice:

‘Watch that coffee.’

As I had the thought, someone pushed in, bumped someone else who bumped yet another person. The result is my coffee became airborn with hot java flying towards my keyboard.

Like Bruce le I snatch my computer. I turn my shoulder from the threat and protect her like a lion does a cub. The coffee splashes the table right where the laptop was and my sweater gets spread.

People look on in disbelief.

‘Did you see that! Wow it’s like Chuck Norris!’

O.K. so maybe they didn’t think or say that. But in my eyes, I was a ninja watching my moves as if they were not my own.

Maybe it’s meditation 🙏

Every morning I write freely. Sometimes I publish what comes. You can grab my monthly digest for more musings right here ✍️



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