Free Typing
You’ve probably heard of freediving, or freeskiing, or freebasing — but free typing?
That’s what this is, no judgment of the words on the screen, no sneaky thesaurus checks to swap in better words, and yes, tonnes of typos (which I have since corrected for you).
The point is a continuous flow of thoughts to words. Impulses to action.
The time-wasting, endless finessing, and over-ruminating disappear. The rabbit holes, footnotes, and edits all have to wait.
From 2016 to 2020, I managed to type and type away until my brain was empty. So often, pure rubbish is what came out.
Today, it’s a good night's sleep, meditating, and journaling that keeps me on track.
Immersing myself in nature — is now part of my daily routine too.
And coffee, yes coffee. No coffee is better than bad coffee. But great coffee makes the morning (and sometimes the whole day). Recently, I went a week without the drug and I have to say, it was dire. I wonder if decaff would still give me joy?
Whichever way I write — the practice of writing keeps me sain. I can flush the nonsense down the drain.
I may not always know where I’m going, and I’m O.K with that. So long as I can let my mind soar, I know the words will come :)