I Know That I Know Nothing

On second thought, I do know one thing.

Jonas Altman
2 min readJun 19, 2021

I felt so much resistance when a friend helped me to see that meaningful work is a fallacy. I had all the symptoms of a total worker — my toil was the centerpiece of my life.

Seems so funny to me now.

Oh, how I was holding on so dearly! My workism was a surrogate for the freedom I value so much. What I did, not who I am — was a convenient truth that made nesting so much easier.

But these invitations we’ve all been feeling — to do more, to be more, to let go, to let flow, to dance, to jump, to cry, and laugh — are just too much. Too much to listen to. Too much to cater to. Too much to feel at one time. Enter the existential opening. The invitation for us all is to contemplate, as the German Philosopher Paul Tillichas would say — those matters of ultimate concern.

But what are those matters exactly?

I woke up this morning and thought, “Today is a good day.” I know that I know this. The ongoing wow is happening at this very moment as I type this.

This week each day has felt like a week. Maybe because the longest day of the year approaches but maybe more so because I am awake.

Could I subordinate myself to another matter besides work? To become more aware rather than a more productive being?

If I’m living in a truly honest way, then I must submit myself to something. I must accept what is here now. I must surrender to the music.

I’m compelled to make more space. And not to fill it with more, but with less.

This is what consumes me now. To come home and bask in the now of it all.

To connect. To trust in what’s right and virtuous. And of course, to be a bit goofy too.

I’m exploring the matters that matter most. Grab my monthly digest right here.



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