Must, Should, Could, Would.

A roundup of what I was nerding-out on this last month

3 min readFeb 28, 2018



If you’re going to digest anything here have a gander at:

Man and machine unite — if there’s one thing we’re all going to need to learn, it’s how to become a centaur (MIT)

Designed by a Human+AI time (Slide from Maurice Conti) via Nicky Case @ MIT

Those robots are chomping at the bit to penetrate the creative industries. How does this mechanical mind fair against us mere mortals in painting? See for yourself as this art critic judges. (Vice)

There is a light at the end of the tunnel. This is the best argument I’ve seen for why decentralised systems will define the third era of the internet. (Medium)


I’m not a fan of the word should — but if you’re interested in how technology is eating the world then you really should :)

via Scott Galloway’s Esquire Article

Scott Galloway continues his rant against big tech, this time he appeals for the break up of “The Four” (Google, Apple, Facebook & Amazon). It’s chalk full of great graphics too. (Esquire)

If you’re a technology evangelist or technophobe for that matter, learn how Google continues to gobble up the world (with nearly 90% of all worldwide searches!). Antitrust laws might be our only hope now. (NYT)

If you aren’t changing and evolving as a business you have a much larger problem on your hands than simply ‘becoming more digital’. I wrote about the myth of digital transformation. (The Mission)

Love this from the folks at Corporate Rebels. It’s a light and handy guide (with case studies) of eight movements that are rewriting the Future of Work. (Corporate Rebels)


If you don’t have 56 tabs open in the browser, or actually if you do, consider having these reads on creativity jump to the front of the cue:

Michael Harris confesses that he’s forgotten how to read. I know I’m grateful for my pre-internet brain. (Globe and Mail)

I wrote about building a sane workplace. Spoiler alert: it’s not the open plan office nor is it the cubicle. (Quartz)

Driving, cooking, walking, or just procrastinating Give a listen to this podcast on creativity with Mitch Joel and Todd Henry. (Six Pixels)

I also wrote about hacking your schedule and finding that sweet spot in your work. (HackerNoon)


If only we could freeze time and recline with a pina colada (or seven) in hand. Here are some final bits for you to ponder:

Kylie Jenner’s recent tweet knocks $1.3 billion off Snap’s market value (MSN) and increases Facebook’s value by $13 billion (Marie Clare) — Seriously? Decide for yourself

Feeling overwhelmed? Learn about the exploding world of life coaches and how they break the first rule of therapy on Instagram. (Quartz)

Do companies really have a Glass Door problem or is it indicative of something else? Improving workplace culture, one review at a time.

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& Join me for related events: CultureLABx Vancouver (March 8th, Vancouver), Rhythms & Rituals (March 21, London), Banking on the Future (April 4, London)

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