Roger That

Jonas Altman
3 min readJun 14, 2021


Something is shifting in the world. Or maybe it’s just where I live. There were just 180 new COVID cases on Friday in British Columbia. That works out to about 10 cases per 100,000 folks.

I know this is a far cry from so many other places in the world. To say I’m grateful is an understatement. When we look at structural inequality — the virus is a drop in the pan. There is no rhyme or reason to COVID-19 and much like the responses each nation has taken to combat it. But that’s an article for another time.

I write this through the ens of what I’m experiencing within my own little reality bubble, within a bubble within a… yeah, you get it.

Our inputs have a drastic effect on our relational field. Psychologically speaking — we’ve been are now more discerning with who we will spend our time with, what we will consume, and how much we will tolerate

At the snap of a finger, friends are now inviting me to dinner parties. Yesterday I rode my bike yesterday past a full-blown Salsa party. Some of my pals (spoiler alert, me as well) are planning tropical getaways.

And for some time I’ve been thinking about this fluidity we see around us. The term landed for me during a yoga class. The way the instructor used the word, at that moment, made it click and stick.

from Quotefancy

So Where To Then?

I moved between spaces and places with such ease before. But now, with the mass mutual reliance, we’ve experienced — I’m waiting, or depending on others to come out of hibernation. I’m looking to eschew vacation guilt and hop on a plane when I deem it acceptable.

We were dormant for so long — and like a video game, we’ve unlocked a new world that’s waiting to be activated. This long recess is nearly over, and with a big sigh — -a time for sharing, playing, and dancing awaits.

So where to go to feed our souls?

Bali of course.

“Bangun Bangun, time to wax your boards and hit the beach, my friends,” the roosters whisper this imagined or real-world.

Before sundown we taste food from the heavens, explore the island, and ride more waves to tour our heart’s content. If this sounds like the good life —well that’s because it is.

Not that I have an attachment to a destination or anything, but damn would I really like to call this place home for a time.

The brain doesn’t know the difference between what it imagines and what is real. So whichever way the adventure unfolds— the world conspires, and folks like you might join to work and play and laugh.

The question is then, are you down?

Thanks to my pal Lucas for the onstant encouragement, endless dreaming, and the awesome images 🙌

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