The Art of Work
Reframe. Connect. Practice.
The summer solstice is a perfect time for you to explore, reflect and reconfigure your work.
Indeed, I believe it’s always a good time to reinvent how you work.
More than ever, we need to be discerning with our energy. And these are three tried and tested ways to help you flourish at work:
Reframe: See Your Work with New Eyes
At 22, working life seemed so exhilarating as I plunged into a job with people as passionate as I. The work itself was meh — but my enthusiasm saw me through. For a period.
At 27, I struck out on my own and mostly…
At 33, I embarked on my third career — a path that I’m now still on.
Every time I transitioned, I let go of one identity and made up a new one. I gradually saw myself and my work differently. And what’s interesting to me now is how each of the industries has transformed. The world of work has shifted so radically.
The world of work has shifted so radically.
For many, work is personalized. It’s flexible. It’s even joyful.
Since the way you work is for you to design — you get to frame and reframe it all the time. Knowing how to renew yourself as you move through careers, your work, the world can be a very delicate affair.
Connect: To Yourself, Others, and Your Work
Whether you’re solo on a project where you can connect more deeply with yourself, or collaborating with others, or a bit of both — feeling a connection to your work is essential.
Robert Pirsig, the author of Zen and Art of Motorcycle Maintenance put it best:
“When one isn’t dominated by feelings of separateness from what he’s working on, then one can be said to ‘care’ about what he’s doing,” explained
Those who care are ambitious.
Those who care are ambitious. And the relationship you have with your work and the relationships you have at work determines the quality of your life. They indicate whether you’re engaged or not. When you continually nourish these relationships, you can become your best creative self.
Practice: See Your Work Itself as Art
The activities that make up your working life may often feel like an endless stream of emails, meetings, and to-dos. But when we see our work as a practice, one that evolves over time as we do — what we do and how we do it takes on a different texture.
Some of the most prolific creators from da Vinci to de Beauvoir were extremely regimented in their schedules.
They took a deliberate approach to work.
Creativity was planned.
They weren’t fixated on an outcome but committed to the process.
Whether a painter or project manager, actor or accountant — work can be art. And art can be prayer. Working with these three ingredients firmly in mind — can convert work into a source of energy and delight.
I should know, I’m living proof.
Join me for my upcoming Creative Mornings FieldTrip. A few more spots will open up and you can REGISTER for FREE right here.