What is a Download?

Jonas Altman
2 min readJun 16, 2021


A vivid thought, image, or higher self cue that lands like knowledge from an internal place that you trust.

Today was a good day.

I witnessed my first download. No, I wasn’t staring mindlessly at the computer waiting for some lame update. This is an entirely different affair.

Who better to explain the concept of a download and other related terms other than talent manager, brand coach, and intuitive reader Pamela Wise.

JA: Pam, I wasn’t really sure what to expect watching you do a download with someone — how would you explain what it is I just saw?

PM: A download is a vivid thought, image, or higher self cue that lands like knowledge from an internal place that you trust

JA: O.K. that makes sense. And what do you mean when you talk about exquisite sensitivity?

PW: Exquisite sensitivity floats above hypersensitivity as an immersive prism to experience a sense, feeling, or thing with utter knowing.

JA: Oh, I dig that — and how do you ensure you remain authentic during a download?

PW: I trust my deeper intuition & expansive heart. I share from a place of knowing that activates curiosity in others and creates a stream of remembering that matches their values & goals.

JA: Jesus, yes! That’s what I just saw. Watching you do your thing is hard to describe so I’m so excited to share snippets of a download with the world soon.

This is my daily post. To learn more about Pamela get my digest right here

As I went to hit publish this song found its way to me by guess who? yeah.



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